Security and privacy

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People to contact with security and privacy questions:

  • Carol Williams <>
UofC IT Risk and Compliance group lead.
  • Will Fiebelkorn <>
CSM privacy officer.

Data classification levels


  • Microsoft Teams vs Zoom:

Survey tools for UofC researchers


The UCalgary Survey Tool, powered by Qualtrics, is a top-of-the-line survey platform for conducting online surveys. The University of Calgary purchased an institutional license allowing all active students, faculty and staff free and easy access to the tool.

Until further notice, information categorized as "Level 3 Confidential" or "Level 4 Restricted" should not be collected through, or stored on, the Qualtrics platform. Review the Information Security Classification Standard for further details.


Software Acquisition process at UofC

Note, that this information does not relate to the RCS services. It is general process that has to be followed if one wishes to acquire a software product that is not provided at UofC already.

  • Official information:

The Software / Application Purchase, Acquisition and Renewal process includes activities required from the request for software through to installation and payment of software. The process is in place to protect the security and integrity of University of Calgary technology assets and data.