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Apache CloudStack is the RCS Virtual Machine (VM) Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) offering for University of Calgary Researchers in order to allow them to quickly deploy VMs to support short term projects. It is intended as a proof of concept or for prototyping environments, where resources are quickly spun up as required. Once the project matures, the expectation would be to transition to a more permanent environment such as I.T. VMware.

Researchers have a great degree of freedom in how they use CloudStack. As such, they are solely responsible for maintaining any VMs they deploy. The expectation is that the owners of the VMs will be patching and doing other maintenance work on a regular basis.

Note, as the CloudStack deployment is a research environment, it is not intended for long term resilient service provision.

Release Date

We expect that CloudStack will be available for UofC researchers at the end of March.

Requesting Access

Requests to use CloudStack are done though I.T's Service Now request software. The request form is being finalized and further instruction will be forthcoming.

End User Agreement

Please see