List of courses on TALC
Interested in using TALC for your course? If you are the instructor for a course that could benefit from using TALC, please contact us at to discuss your requirements.
To ensure that the appropriate software is available, student accounts are in place, and appropriate training has been provided for your teaching assistants, it is best to start this discussion several months prior to the start of the course. |
- TALC Terms of Use:
- TALC Guide:
A New Course Checklist
At least three (3) weeks before the course.
- Please contact us about the course you are going to teach using TALC.
- Please provide us with the course ID, name of the course, and the name of the instructor for the course.
Soon after:
- Request accounts on TALC for yourself, and TA who is going to be helping with the course.
Please note that
- it is instructor's responsibility to make sure that the software required for the course is available and works on TALC.
- if special software is required for the course it is recommended that the instructor contacts us well before the course starts to allow enough time for installation and testing of the software.
- If you are planning to share data with the students, request a shared directory for the course.
- There will also be a unix group on TALC to control access to the shared directory.
- The directory name and the unix group will probably have the same name, like "course601-21".
- Your and TA's accounts have to be added to the access group.
- The data for courses run on TALC is deleted once the course is over. So that the shared directory and software for a course have to be setup every time the course is run.
- If you need to build / have some specific software on TALC for the course, please start early.
- It needs to be installed and tested well before the course start, so that the solution can be found in case something does not work.
- If you need help with setting up the software for the course, let the RCS support know at .
- During the course, if students have difficulties with using TALC, the TAs are expected to help the students.
- If the TA cannot solve the issue, we prefer that the TA contact us rather than the student who has the problem.
- If TAs need training, this has to be arranged before the course with us (RCS);
- As soon as you have a list of students who are going to take the course, please send it to .
- The list has to have students' names as well as associated UofC email addresses.
- The accounts will be created and added to the access group.
- If you have any concerns or questions about running a course on TALC please let us know.
Current Courses
Winter 2022
- MDSC 301 - Introduction to Bioinformatics, Tatiana Maroilley
- GLGY 605 - Groundwater Flow and Reactive Transport Modelling, Benjamin Tutolo (requested Nov 2021)
- MDSC 201 - Applied Bioinformatics, David Anderson (requested Nov 2021)
- MDSC 519 - Advanced Bioinformatics, David Anderson (requested Nov 2021)
- DATA 608 - Developing Big Data Applications, Leanne Wu (requested Nov 2021).
- BMEN 415 - Sensor Systems and Data Analytics, Ethan MacDonald (requested Dec 2021).
- CPSC 601.04 - High Performance Scientific Computing and Visualization, Usman Alim (late request, Jan 2022);
- ENEL 645 - Data Mining & Machine Learning, Roberto Souza (late request, Jan 2022);
Past Courses
Fall 2021
- ENSF 619.01 - Ethan MacDonald
- MDSC 523 - David Anderson
- ENSF 619.02 - Roberto Medeiros de Souza
- ENSF 612 - Gias Uddin and Ajoy Das
2021 Winter
- GLGY 605 - Benjamin Tutolo
- BMEN 415 - Ethan MacDonald
- MDSC 201 - David Anderson
2020 Spring
- Bioinformatics workshop Q Zhang
- Bioinformatics workshop Q Zhang
2020 Winter
- DATA 623 R Walker
- GLGY 605 B Tutolo
- DATA 608 P Federl
- ENSF 612 J Kaur
2020 Winter Block Week
- MDSC 395 D Anderson
Academic Schedule
- See for the UofC 's academic schedule.