OpenFOAM is a free, open-source, toolkit for creation of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) applications. It includes solver libraries and pre- and post-processing utilities. Common variants of OpenFOAM include those from and .
Typically, researchers will install OpenFOAM on their own computers to learn how to use the software, run simulations that exceed their local hardware capabilities on ARC and then transfer output data back to their own computers for visualization.
Running OpenFOAM batch jobs on ARC
Researchers using OpenFOAM on ARC are expected to be generally familiar with OpenFOAM capabilities, input file format and the use of restart files.
Like other jobs on ARC, OpenFOAM calculations are run by submitting an appropriate script for batch scheduling using the sbatch command. See documentation on running batch jobs for more information.
Several different versions of OpenFOAM have been installed on ARC under /global/software/openfoam, but, some researchers have chosen to install particular versions in their own home directories or take advantage of the wide range of versions installed on Compute Canada clusters (external link).
Here is a sample script that was used to test OpenFOAM on ARC with one of the supplied tutorial cases (damBreakFine (external link)), which used interFoam, modified to use the scotch decomposition option. The job script and input files can be copied and run on ARC with:
cp -R /global/software/openfoam/examples/damBreak/damBreakVeryFine_scotch_template dambreak
cd dambreak
sbatch dambreak.slurm
The version ("6.x") of OpenFOAM used is from and was built with GNU 4.8.5 compilers and OpenMPI version 2.1.3. OpenFOAM build options used were WM_LABEL_SIZE=64 and FOAMY_HEX_MESH=yes.
#SBATCH --nodes=2
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=40 # number of MPI processes per node - adjust according to the partition
#SBATCH --mem=0 # Use --mem=0 to request all the available memory on a node
#SBATCH --time=05:00:00 # Maximum run time in hh:mm:ss, or d-hh:mm
#SBATCH --partition=pawson-bf,apophis-bf,razi-bf,cpu2019
# Check on some basics:
echo "Running on host: $(hostname)"
echo "Current working directory is: $(pwd)"
echo "Starting job at $(date)"
# Initialize OpenFOAM environment.
module load openmpi/2.1.3-gnu
export OMPI_MCA_mpi_cuda_support=0
source /global/software/openfoam/6x_20181025_gcc485_mpi_213gnu/OpenFOAM-6/etc/bashrc FOAMY_HEX_MESH=yes
export FOAM_RUN=$PWD
echo "Working in $PWD"
echo "Running on $CORES cores."
echo "Make a new decomposeParDict file"
cat > system/decomposeParDict <<EOF
version 2.0;
format ascii;
class dictionary;
location "system";
object decomposeParDict;
// decomposeParDict created at ${DATE}.
numberOfSubdomains $CORES;
method scotch;
echo "Forcing new decomposition"
decomposePar -force
echo "Using mpiexec: $(which mpiexec)"
FOAM=$(which interFoam)
echo "About to run $FOAM at $(date)"
mpiexec $FOAM -parallel > dambreakveryfine_scotch_arc_${CORES}cores_${SLURM_JOB_ID}.out
echo "Finished at $(date)"
echo "Running reconstructPar at $(date)."
reconstructPar -newTimes
echo "Finished reconstructPar at $(date)."
echo "Manually delete processor directories if reconstruction succeeded. "
OpenFOAM can produce large numbers of files per run when many processors (CPU cores) are used. The reconstructPar command should be used to consolidate the per-processor files into a single directory per time step. As noted in a comment in the above script, after you have verified that the reconstruction has succeeded you shoulld delete the processor directories.
Please send any questions regarding using OpenFOAM on ARC to