RCSWiki talk:Tannistha.nandi

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Revision as of 06:11, 19 March 2021 by Tannistha.nandi (talk | contribs) (RCS Software Management Group)
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RCS Software Management Group

Meeting Date: March 18th 2021


  • David Schulz
  • Dmitri Rozmanov
  • Ian Percel
  • Tannistha Nandi

Minutes of the meeting:

Things to prepare before the next meeting in two weeks time:

  1. Disable Open-mpi 1.6 (Dmitri)
  2. Install a new version of open-mpi (??Dmitri)
  3. Install gcc 10.2 (Tannistha)
  4. Look into modification of an existing build to use RPATH. Compare RPATH Vs LD_LIBRARY_PATH (Ian)

Topics Discussed

  1. Prepare a list of the obsolete / non-functional modules and disable them.
  2. Test out a standard environment with gcc compiler. Multiple standard environments to be considered in the future.
  3. Switch to singularity container completely? Investigate the pros and cons.