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Prediction of Signal Peptides and their cleavage sites in all domains of life

The SignalP 6.0 server predicts the presence of signal peptides and the location of their cleavage sites in proteins from Archaea, Gram-positive Bacteria, Gram-negative Bacteria and Eukarya.

It is a licensed software. One has to agree to the academic license conditions before the download link will be provided.


First, you have to install your own conda, following this:

Once you have it installed, activate your Conda. Please note that this should be the Miniforge3 install that uses conda-forge channel by default:

$ source ~/software/init-conda

Then create a new environment and activate it too:

(base) $ conda create -n signalp6 python=3.11 pip pillow numpy matplotlib tqdm pytorch=1.13

(base) $ conda activate signalp6

Download and unpack the installation archive. You have to use the link send to you by email:

(signalp6) $ wget
(signalp6) $ tar xfv 

Change to the software directory and install it with pip:

(signalp6) $ cd signalp6_fast/signalp-6-package
(signalp6) $ pip install .

Check if it works:

(signalp6) $ $ signalp6 --version
SignalP 6.0 Signal peptide prediction tool 6.0h



ARC Software