RCS Home Page
Research Computing Services (RCS) is a group within the wider University of Calgary Information Technologies team that plans, manages, and supports high performance computing (HPC) systems in use by researchers throughout the University of Calgary. Our primary focus is to meet the increasing demand for engineering and scientific computation by offering a wide range of specialized services to help researchers solve highly complex real-world problems or run large scale computationally intensive workloads on our high-end HPC resources.
This RCS Wiki contains technical documentation for use by users of HPC systems operated by RCS
Contact us for support
- For general RCS/HPC inquiries, please email: support@hpc.ucalgary.ca
- For IT related issues (networking, VPN, email), please email: it@ucalgary.ca
- For Compute Canada specific questions: support@computecanada.ca
General information
- General Cluster Guidelines and Policies
- How to get an account
- Data ownership
- Connecting to RCS HPC Systems
- External collaborators
Cluster Guides
- ARC Cluster Guide - ARC is a general purpose cluster for University of Calgary researchers.
- GLaDOS Cluster Guide - GLaDOS is a researcher-owned cluster maintained by Research Computing Services.
- TALC Cluster Guide - Teaching and Learning Cluster (TALC) is a cluster created by Research Computing Services to support academic courses and workshops.
- MARC Cluster Guide -- Medical Advanced Research Computing cluster at the University of Calgary created by Research Computing Services in 2020.
Other services
Software pages
- Managing software on ARC
- Gaussian on ARC -- How to use Gaussian 16 on ARC.
- Apache Spark on ARC
- ARC Software pages
- Bioinformatics applications
Running courses on HPC resources
- TALC - Teaching and Learning Cluster (TALC) is a cluster created by Research Computing Services to support academic courses and workshops.
- TALC Terms of Use - Terms of use to which TALC account holders must agree to use the cluster.
- List of courses on TALC - A list of current and historical courses taught using TALC.
- Our HPC Systems
- HPC Linux topics - A list of topics on which RCS technical support staff can provide one-on-one or group training
- Courses
- Linux Introduction
- What is a scheduler?
- Running jobs
- Data storage options for UofC researchers
- Security and privacy
- How to transfer data