External collaborators

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Accessing resources provided by Research Computing Services at the University of Calgary requires that potential new users have an IT account with the University as well as an email address associated with the account, such as name@ucalagary.ca. This makes it impossible for a person outside the University of Calgary to access the resources, including external collaborators. The solution is to formally associate an external collaborator who needs access to HPC resources at UofC with the University.

General Associate

An External Research Collaborator designation is for those who need to remotely access the Secure Compute and High Performance Compute (HPC) resources at the University of Calgary. This designation allows you to request a General Associate (GA) access for external research collaborators, that are not University of Calgary employees or associated with AHS, to our HPC and Secure Compute services in an expedited manner. Researchers in this category require a Principal Investigator (PI) or a PI delegate to submit a Template Based Hire (TBH) with the GA template.

Please note that AHS external researchers have their own GA template available for them and they don’t need to use this new GA template.

Principal Investigators or their delegates can request the creation of a new General Associate External Collaborator following the Template Base Hire form process in PeopleSoft and selecting the template “UC_CWR_EXT_RES_CL – Gen Associate – External Research Collaborator”. These requests will need to be approved by Research Computing Services, who is managing HPC. Once the transaction is approved, it will go to HR to complete the hiring process and the new account will be ready for your associate.

Official documents

  • This reference guide provides instructions on how to initiate a template-based hire for a General Associate Relationship
  • This link gives details on the various types of general associate hires: